Grammar Made Easy
In a fun game-show format, Grammar Made Easy teaches, practices, and tests children's understanding of grammar in a way no textbook can! This program goes beyond simple diagrams and introduces parts of speech and sentence structure in innovative and captivating lessons. Intelligent software assesses each student's abilities and then presents tutorials for those topics where special attention is needed. The program also includes a special teacher's section where each student's progress report can be viewed. Working independently with Grammar Made Easy, your students will master grammar, a key building block for writing and communicating effectively! TOPICS INCLUDE: Nouns: Common Nouns Proper Nouns Abstract Nouns Plurals Simple Verbs & Tenses: Verbs Present Tense Past Tense Future Tense Person & Agreement Verb Forms: Infinitive & Imperative Verbs & Objects Active & Passive, Adjectives & Adverbs: Adjectives Adverbs Comparisons Pronouns & Prepositions: Pronouns Relative Pronouns Prepositions Sentences: Phrases & Clauses Simple & Complex
Key Features: Diagnostic testing Intelligent software identifies strengths & weaknesses Comprehensive & individualized progress charts Easy-to-understand explanations Instantaneous feedback in exercises Teacher's Section with detailed student records
School Library Journal: Gr 4-8--Grammar Made Easy uses an engaging game show format to teach students about various topics in grammar. This program would be a fun alternative to help students learn the basics of grammar."
Ages 9-14
Win 95 98 ME 2000 NT XP Mac 7.6.1/8/9/X Native