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Quick Time

QuickTime 16 Troubleshooting Instructions


Click on your "Start" button and select "Run" from the menu

If there is anything in the box next to "Open:" delete it and type in "qtw.ini"

then click "OK"

This will open a QTW Notepad window

The first line should read [Video].

The line following will read Optimize=Hardware, or Optimize=Driver.

You would then Delete either Hardware or Driver, and replace it with the word

RAW all in capitals.

After editing the qtw.ini file you then click on the "X" in the upper right

hand corner, and click on "Yes" to save the changes.

You should now be able to run the DK Multimedia software


QuickTime 32 Troubleshooting Instructions



The reason you are receiving this error is due to QuickTime calling too

fast to your video card, so that they are unable to communicate. If we

change the draw method (the calling to the video card) to RAW (which is

the slowest setting at which QuickTime can call) then we allow QuickTime

and your Video card to communicate and the software should run.


Please try this:


· Start button, Settings, Control Panel

· Double click on the Quick Time 32 icon

· Click the More button at the bottom

· Click the Video tab at the top

· In the section Optimization, Draw Method, highlight Raw Bitmap (RAW)

       on the list

· Click Apply and then click Yes to apply modifications.

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